Sunday, January 3, 2010

The Birthmark

Due Monday, January 11, 2010
Comment must be posted by 10:00 P.M. EST

A letter arrives in the mail.  You have been randomly chosen to be the first patient in a newly-opened, state-of-the-art plastic surgery center in Westchester County.  None of the doctors has ever performed a surgery on their own, but all come from the best medical schools in the country.  The surgery is free, and you can choose what you want done.  There's only one caveat -- as with all surgeries, there is a 50/50 chance that you will die.  Your husband/wife, significant other thinks it a marvelous opportunity, and encourages you enthusiastically to get some work done. Would you have the surgery?  If your answer is "yes," what would you have done?  If your answer is "no," why not?


  1. I would probably say no to the opportunity for free surgury. I just wouldn't feel comfortable having a inexperience doctor working on my body for whatever the change is. These doctors might come from the best medical school, but I would base their technique off of recommendations, and actual clients who have gone through the procedure with that surgen. I feel it is putting my life at risk for something that I technically dont need. Personally I wouldn'y know what to get surgery on since it is a big operation where they put you out. I wouldn't want to be goingunder surgery worrying the entire time that I might not come out alive.

  2. I wouldn't get the work done if it meant risking my life. However there is one small procedure I've wanted done for a while. I would probably get botox injections into my armpits only because sometimes when I get anxious I sweat a lot and pit stains are the most gross looking thing.
    I also have ruined a lot of very expensive clothes because of my antiperspirant staining the shirt (happens to all my lacoste polos).

  3. I would say no to the surgery. Not only is the surgery risky, but the doctors have never performed this surgery before, so why let me be the guinea pig? I actually like my life and I don’t want it to end anytime soon. I still have places that I’d like to travel to and I want to successfully complete college so that I can practice medicine. I want to learn more about cancer and be alive if they find a cure to cancer. And the list can go on, I’m still so young and there’s so much I still want to do in life!

    In addition, I wouldn't get the plastic surgery done because I wouldn't want to change myself or appearance for someone else or just in general. I personally think people should be happy with the way they were created. It makes us unique and that is why life is so interesting and fun. If we all were having plastic surgery done to our bodies we would be plastic and we wouldn’t be unique anymore.

  4. I would defiantly say no to this opportunity. It sounds entirely way too risky to get plastic surgery done from doctors who have not yet performed a surgery on their own. On top of that, there is a 50/50 chance I might die. Even though the doctors have been to the best schools in the country, I would still feel very uncomfortable. I think it is a very bad idea to agree to something that might take your life and would be annoyed if my husband was encouraging me to get the surgery done. I would never change me apperance on his request. Whenever I’m watching T.V. and those surgery shows are on, I have to quickly change the channel. If I am unable to watch random people get plastic surgery done, then I don’t think I am able to get it done myself.

  5. Plastic surgery is a scary concept for me. It's sooooo popular in Southern California -- people start at a very young age fixing their noses or getting boob jobs. I remember my sister-in-law was only 30 when she got breast implants. She sold her expensive wedding ring when she got divorced. She was so proud of the "deal" and bragged about how upset her ex was that now she looked "so good." Working for medical insurance defense attorneys, I saw so many botched surgeries -- leaving the patients maimed and permanently disfigured -- something so amount of settlement money could ever reverse. I would never even consider plastic surgery, and would dump any significant other that would want me to take the risk.

  6. I would not accept the offer. Even thought he surgery is free, and the docters all come from the top ranked schools, it is a matter of life and death. Nothing is worth risking your life. I would tell my significant other that they should be happy with me the way I am and if not, don't be with me. Everyone is how they are for a reason, you're meant to be that way, so don't change it.

  7. Absolutely not. No one was ever made perfect, and that was the way that God intended it to be. I feel that plastic surgery only draws attention to your flaws, not beautify them. Its insane the amount of money people will dish out to alter this or enhance that. Insecurity can't be surgically removed, no matter how great the surgeon is. I'm not perfect, and I know that. My imperfections make me who I am and I wouldn't change anything.

  8. No way. I would not get the surgery. Just because it's free doesn't mean anything. Just the fact of surgically altering yourself to make you look different freaks me out. If the doctors do mess up then you look uglier than before. Plastic surgery also makes you look fake. My life is more important than falsifying my body to "make me look better"

  9. I would not accept this offer. I would be way to nervous and knowing my luck I would be the one not to make it or the one they would mess up on. I think the way you are born is the way you are supposed to be. If my boyfriend didn't like the way I looked or wanted something changed about me then he isn't worth it. Lastly I would not trust the doctor. I don't care what school they went to because that means nothing to me.

  10. No, I would not accept getting any kind of plastic surgery. I do not feel that there is anything that is seriously wrong with me that would make me need plastic surgery. I also do not believe that one should change your appearance with surgery in order to get something that you want from life. I have also believed that personality is more important than looks when it comes to a relationship. In fact one of my cousins is marrying someone who has a facial deformity. Obviously, she sees beyond his physical features.
